
Six Trackman numbers every amateur golfer should know

In the span of just a couple seconds — the time it takes to swing a club and send the ball flying — the Trackman 4 captures an incredible amount of data.

But let’s face it: seeing all those numbers pop up on the screen in Shot Analysis can be overwhelming. Especially if you’re new to the world of Trackman and haven’t worked with a coach who can help translate.

Here are 6 key data points to help you get started. Be sure to watch the related videos for more details. Armed with this basic knowledge, you can start unlocking the keys to a better game. (Note: All descriptions assume you’re a right-handed golfer.)


This number refers to the horizontal direction in which your club face points at impact. It can be open, closed, or square.

When the club face is closed, it points to the left, and the Trackman number displays a negative value, for example, -2 degrees. Conversely, an open club face showcases a positive number, such as 3 degrees. A square club face registers 0 degrees, aligning perfectly with your target line.


This number signifies the direction in which you swing the club.

You’ve probably heard terms like "out-to-in" or "in-to-out" when discussing the golf swing. A positive number indicates an in-to-out swing, meaning you’re swinging to the right of the target line. This often generates a draw shape, assuming a center strike and a Face Angle number smaller than the Club Path number.

If you find yourself hitting a fade or a slice, it could be attributed to swinging out-to-in (left of the target line), resulting in a negative Club Path number.


This isn’t a number, but it’s still critical. When we talk about shot shape and club path, we assume you’re making contact with the ball at the center of the club face — the “sweet spot.” If you’re not, especially with the driver, you may experience different shot shapes than those described above.

When your Face Angle and Club Path are both 0 and you strike the ball in the center of the club face, you should achieve a straight shot. But what happens if your strike deviates slightly toward the heel? This will cause the ball to curve from left to right, resulting in a fade. Conversely, if the strike is toward the toe, the ball will draw.


When you hear someone talk about hitting down or up on the ball, they’re referring to Attack Angle. A negative number means the club is traveling downward at impact, while a positive number means the club is traveling upward at impact.


This number is accompanied by an A or B after the value, indicating After or Before. It denotes the moment when you reach the lowest point in your swing. In simpler terms, it reveals whether you make contact with the ball before or after hitting the ground. For instance, if you're hitting a 7-iron and the low point number has a B, you are striking the ground before reaching the ball.


This number simply indicates the distance your ball travels before landing on the ground.